Sunday, May 8, 2011

2nd Cap for May 8th

This cap is also from a Diet Coke for 3 MyCokeRewards points. PAHL(nine)BHBVWMN


Suchislife said...

"Sorry, invalid code." I better watch or I'll be locked out before I can put the week's worth into the account. Again, thanks anyway, Grant.

Grant B. said...

I am very sorry. I have fixed the code now. This one was difficult the read, but again, I should have gotten it right.

Suchislife said...

RNBM. now two codes toward lockout.

Grant B. said...

What do you mean by "lockout"? Do you mean entering the max per week or getting locked out of entering codes?

Suchislife said...

From so many people taking codes and not leaving a RBM, I try the code, getting the message, "Already redeemed". Just like an "Invalid" these all count toward a max total of 20 error messages per day. If you reach the max, you are locked out until the new day begins. I'm sure you know that if lurkers don't post here, they also don't post on other sites that we frequent. Mungo and I get locked out all the time. And, we are the ones who always post RBM or RNBM to help others avoid a lockout.