Monday, June 13, 2011

For those somewhat early-birds...

The first two to comment on this post get a code. I might start to change things up a bit, and may start making contests and make you comment words that I tell you or that you have to figure out on your own to get the codes.


cindy said...

Thanks Grant B

tim said...


Grant B. said...

Tim, I can't seem to send you a message because you aren't publicly following the blog and Google apparently won't let me send a message to people who I'm not friends with or who aren't a public follower. If you could publicly follow, than I can give you your two codes that I owe you.

Suchislife said...

Maybe I'm 2nd if Tim doesn't follow publicly? If so, thanks.

tim said...

that's weird. I just check my profile and it said I am following publicly. Do not what wrong. Can you try it again.

tim said...

I just stop following you and go through the process of following you again. Hope this fix the problem. Thanks Grant B.

Mungo said...

I see you listed as a folower now Tim, so I think you are OK now. I previously did not.

Grant B. said...

I do to, I'm sending you your codes now.