Tuesday, May 10, 2011

1st Cap for May 10th

This cap is from a Coca-Cola for 3 rewards points. V7JM4K(nine)457A0TA


Suchislife said...


Grant B. said...

Crap, I'm sorry this one was a difficult one to read (the bottom half of the bottom letter were gone). I will post 3 tomorrow.

Suchislife said...

No worries. Funny thing is I am so tired, I thought I messed up, so I tried it twice, lol. But, I thoroughly enjoyed our record temps today!

Grant B. said...

Where do you live? (general area, I don't want your address, just state

Roberta said...

thanks, but invalid, as is stated on blog

Suchislife said...

Illinois. You?

Grant B. said...

North Carolina

Suchislife said...

Well, it's nice to meet you, Grant from NC. :D

Grant B. said...

It is nice to meet you to, Suchislife from Illois (I doubt that is your real name though)

Suchislife said...

I'm incognito, lol. But, you can call me Cynthia.

Grant B. said...

Don't you write a blog to on this subject (a rhetorical question, I know you do). I feel like we could both benefit my working together. My E-Mail is granthappy2@gmail.com, in case you want to E-Mail me sometime about an idea.

Grant B. said...

You don't have to give me yours if you don't want to, it was just a suggestion.

Suchislife said...

If I gave my email address to you, it would be in the email reply. I'd rather not leave it for all to see. But, I don't do a blog. There is a "Cindy" that does. I really never thought about blogging before, mainly because I'm not sure I could dedicate enough time to it.

Grant B. said...

Yeah, it does. That's why I do this one, cause' it's pretty easy to do.